Our 4-Stage Process

Our 4-Stage Process is not only meant to help prevent our precious men and women of service from taking their own lives, but ultimately to bring lasting transformation and change. Our 4-Stage Process starts when a service member or vet calls into our call center. The initial call is followed by ministry/prayer, then a follow up conversation, and finally, discipleship. Learn more about each stage of our 4-Stage Process below.

Stage 1

Initial Call

The initial phone call (first point of contact) begins with active listening by the prayer minister. The goal is to understand what the individual is experiencing and going through. From there the prayer minister follows up with questions that help determine the root issue(s) and how to proceed into ministry/prayer.

Stage 2


Once we understand what the individual is experiencing and the likely root cause of it, we are able to minister to those areas with the truth of God’s Word. This is where lies the individual might have believed about themselves are exposed and the truth is able to set them free. We also pray for the individual and allow God to minister to them Himself. This can often be the first time the person has encountered God and can be very impactful.

Stage 3

Follow Up

After ministering to and praying for the individual, we always make it a point to follow up with them. We check on the individual and make sure they are doing well and are in a positive state of mind. From here it’s our goal to stay in contact with the individual via our final stage, Discipleship.

Stage 4


Our final stage of Discipleship is where we believe true transformative, lasting change occurs. We keep in contact with the individual and mentor and disciple them for an ongoing period of time. This allows us to reinforce God’s love and truth to them and remain by their side as they continue forward into freedom. This stage is accomplished by numerous veteran leaders throughout the country that help mentor and disciple these precious service members & vets.